Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day One- Denver/ Boulder

Okay, let me first begin by saying that I am sorry I did not get this posted yesterday. It was a very long day and by the time we got back to the hotel, I had to go to bed right away. As a matter of fact, I was in bed before the girls. I was wiped!!!

So here we go. . .

We got up at 4:30 am. Yes! 4:30!!! Crazy! Our flight left Orlando at 7:10 and we needed plenty of time to park the car, get through security and whatever else may have arisen. Once we were on the plane it was smooth sailing. . . Literally. The girls played games and movies on their iphones, Scott slept, and I just enjoyed the ride. It was great. We actually arrived a few minutes ahead of time, so who could actually ask for more. Once at the big top airport, we got our luggage, picked out our car, and headed on to our first adventure. It was quite smoggy in Denver, so it was difficult to see the mountains. Both of the girls were disappointed because they were expecting instant beauty. We had to explain that they would see it soon, and we were right.

We decided to go to the Colorado Welcome center first. It was only 9:00 am in Denver when we arrived so we had to kill a little time. Besides, Scott had found a deal on line that let us get free hats if we took a certain form to the center. . .We love Free. The greatest part about this little "Trip" was that the closest Welcome Center happened to be in the Red Rocks. I mean right next to the ampitheater. It was AWESOME!! Immediately the girls perked up because not only did we get to drive a little ways into the moutains, but they got to see the Red Rocks. WoW!! After a little hiking around the grounds, we weren't dressed for a lot of hiking this day, and getting our hats,we were off to our next destination, CASA BONITA!!! Yay!!!!
I LOVE CASA BONITA! It is so cheesey and silly. . .BUT, living in Denver as a small child, it was my favorite place in the entire world. It is like Chuck E Cheese's, but it serves Mexican food including the greatest sopaipillasyou have ever had, and it has cliff divers. That's right. They perform right in the middle of your meal. It is crazy fun. We took the girls here when we came to Wyoming and we all agreed we had to go back. I am pleased to say it has not changed. NOT AT ALL!!! We ate our share of sopaipillas, went into Black Bart's Cave, watched 4 cliff divers shows, and moved on. The girls were great sports and pretended like they enjoyed themselves. I appreciated their efforts. :)
Boulder, Colorado was our final destination of the day. We first went to our hotel, decided we didn't like said hotel, and then booked a better hotel closer to Estes Park. It was great. We checked in, and they headed over to the Celestial Tea factory. Harper and I love tea, so Scott thought we would love this tour and he was right. While we were waiting for the tour to begin, we had the opportunity to try any of their teas. I think by the time we left Harper had tried close to all of them. It was funny. Torii on the other hand is not a big fan, so she just hung out and walked through the gift shop. The tour, itself, was great. It was quite interesting and we really learned a lot. I think all four of us would agree about that.
After we had drank enough tea to last us a lifetime, we decided to go out and look for Mork and Mindy's house in downtown Boulder. This was a lot of fun because we got to go through the housing area of the this spectacular town. We saw some wonderful places, and I let Scott know that if he would like to move to Boulder, I would be glad to live just about anywhere. We did end up finding the house. It was beautiful. At first Torii and Harper thought it was weird that we wanted to take pictures, but eventually they thought it was pretty cool. (We had shown them a couple of episodes on line, so they knew what we were talking about.)
Finally we went out for dinner at a local micro-brew place, went grocery shopping for lunch stuff, and then went back to the hotel to crash. It was great. It was a great way to start the vacation and we couldn't wait for Tuesday to come around.

Now, I would love to tell you about today, but Scott is falling asleep on the couch and it is really late. So, I will have to tell you about today. . .tomorrow. :)

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