Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 2- Boulder/Rocky Mountain National Park

Day 2 – Boulder/ Rocky Mountain National Park

Well, I have to say if I could ever plan THE perfect day, today would have to be it. I honestly do not think it could have been any better. It began with us getting up around 7:30 (9:30 Orlando time) and having a great breakfast at the hotel together. We then packed up the car and headed out towards the Rocky Mountain National Park through Estes Park. Unbelievable!

The trip really began when we stopped off at a panoramic overlook just outside of Estes Park. It was so beautiful and the views were breathtaking (I can say this about the entire day actually.) While we were there, we noticed a family feeding the chipmunks out of their hands. We had a great nut and berry mix so we grabbed it quickly and began feeding them ourselves. Torii and Harper really loved it. By the time we left they both were feeding them out of there hands while the chipmunks sat in their laps. It was sooooo cute. Later in the day, we found a sign that said we shouldn’t feed the wildlife. . . Oh well. We made some amazing memories. J

We then traveled into the town of Estes Park. Oh my goodness, HEAVEN!!!! We were heading out towards the park when Scott looked down at the golf course in the middle of the town and he noticed something VERY unusual. There was a large number of elk walking down the course. They were grazing in the fairways and enjoying the day. We got out of the car and went a small walk around the course and found many other elk in the nearby woods including some little babies. (On a side note, we also saw the hotel where the movie The Shining was filmed. It is suppose to be haunted.)

By the time we finally got into the park, it was almost 12:00. No worries, we were just going to live for the moment anyway. We went to this area that Scott had read about called Bear Lake and Alberta Falls. We didn’t know what to expect. The snow was just beginning to melt in the area we were and so the hiking trails were covered under snow. I mean buried. The lake itself was still frozen and the snow was a high as the trail markers. It was crazy, but we weren’t through yet. We then headed to the falls. It was a 1.2 hike to the falls and when there wasn’t snow, I am sure the hike is easy; however, the majority of the trail was under anywhere from 3-10 feet of packed snow. We had to take our time. AND we did. There was even a place where the snow was beginning to melt and there was a little creek in the middle of the path that we had to jump across. But let me tell you. . . It was worth it. I can’t even begin to try and describe the falls themselves because they truly took your breath away. People who were from the area told us that they didn’t usually look like this, but with the snow as high as it was for the season the falls were even more wonderful!! Once Scott and the girls could rip me away from the beauty, we headed back. It was so much fun. I will say that everyone fell at least once and Torii sat on her butt to slide down one area. I don’t think any of us will forget that moment.

When we were finally back at the car, we decided to have a quick lunch. We made peanut butter sandwiches and drank water. I am not kidding when I say those were the greatest sandwiches we have ever had!! I mean it really. Even though the bread dried out quickly in the dry air. They were great.

After the hike, we decided to go on a ride through Trail Bridge Rd. This was especially exciting because as of last week there were still 25 ft. snow drifts. 25 FEET! We couldn’t wait to see what this road would look like and where it would take us. Again, we saw things on this drive I have only seen on movies. We drove through parts of the road where those snow drifts were still as high. . .on both sides of the road. The mountains were still a beautiful white and the views were literally indescribable. I think we stopped at every pullover spot that was available and made up a few of our own along the way. We hope to see more snow soon.

The day ended with dinner and shopping in Estes Park. The girls bought souvenirs and we enjoyed a slow leisurely walk through the town. It was so much fun. With all the walking and fresh air, it si not surprise that we all slept very well.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm... my old stomping grounds. Estes Park is a special place for us. Love Bear Lake too. Last time we were there was in winter and kids were tubing across the frozen lake!! Have fun guys!
    Love Lisa
